Student council

So that you also know who we are when you think of the student council, we introduce ourselves again personally on this page. Sometimes, we forget to add new members, so please forgive us 🙂


Franka | B.Sc. Biodiv | FSP, SysAkk, Zoo-Vorstand
Fee | B.Sc. Biologie | FSP, FSR
Felix | B.Sc. Biodiv | AK Studierendenvernetzung
Karl | B.Sc. Biologie | SaMoSci, stv PrüKo, stv Fakrat
Danny | B.Sc Biologie | AK IT, AK O-Phase stellv. FSK
Mandy | M.Sc. DNB | | Finanzerin
Tim | B.Sc. Biologie | Ausleihe | stellv. PrüKo, AvH-Vorstand
Luca | B.Sc Biologie | AK O-Phase, FSR | FakRat
Nora | B.Sc Biologie | StuKo | AK Kreativ, AK Veranstaltung
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