Dear fellow students,
we are the Biology and Biodiversity Student Council. Basically, all students of the Student Council belong to the faculty. However, with this term we all mean a group of students who are involved in the faculty, e.g. in the student council, but especially the department of biology and biodiversity.
Our task as a department is to represent the interests of the student body. This happens in different committees, e.g. in the faculty council, in appointment and study commissions or in the examination board. Thus, it is possible to have a say in many areas, such as the hiring of professors or the modification of courses of study. We also participate in the organization of lectures, parties, trips and the orientation phase.
Through the biology department you can share the experiences of other students, get information about the course of studies, contacts to other committed students and last but not least tips and help for preparing exams and writing protocols.
You can also borrow molecular construction kits, protective gowns, a binocular and some books from our small library. Please contact us 2 weeks before you need the borrowed item.